Wednesday, December 24, 2008

About that list.....

Finishing working today (6:00 p.m.)
Work all day tomorrow (6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
(I'm here....head cold and all)

Get 2 gifts for nephews
Finish getting gift things for sister
Double check my stocking stuffers
Buy some stocking stuffers for my daughter
Get pies
Get cheesecake
Get gift for work party tomorrow
Pray daughter's gift gets delivered to work via UPS TOMORROW by 6:00 p.m.
(currently tracking the Fed Ex web site....estimated delivery time is 3:00 p.m.)

Feed myself
Feed my animals

Did you notice the status of "sleep"? My family left yesterday for my in-laws. I was home alone last night. I don't do well being home alone. I can't justify marking the whole item off the list because I didn't really get enough sleep.

So here's to Christmas Eve! And here's to my plans of not having anything to do today! And here's to that plan being shot down 2 weeks ago!

Merry Christmas Eve!


  1. POPULAR i wanna be POP YOO LURR
    *Anticipating my present already!*

  2. Hey, you got the important stuff done! Merry Christmas!!!

  3. You got most things done.
    Have a Merry Christmas.

  4. I don't think it's possible to ever get enough sleep during the holidays. And especially with hours like yours!

  5. Happy New Year Cheri! I hope you had a good Christmas!


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