Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pardon me...

while my blog undergoes cosmetic surgery. After a year and a half and over 10,000 hits on my blog I thought it needed an update. Isn't it cool how my groovy necklace ---->>>
totally matches the new colors. You might think it was accidental. Go ahead and think that.

I'm not an html pro. I'm actually an html flunkie so I'll be trying to figure out why my header is overflowing in to the border's personal space. And I don't know about you but I HATE when someone ignores my personal space.

I hope my header doesn't have bad breath. That would make it even worse.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. I promise I'll figure it out soon! I'll also have to figure out who some folks are on my traffic feed (viewable only by me). SPAMMERS I assume. Stupid spammers. Do you think it's a coincidence they showed up right after I mentioned my dad's tighty whities? Thank God for word verification or there is no telling WHAT I would have in my comments section.


  1. Love the blog makeover!!!!

  2. lovin the new look!! I only wish I knew how to make a header!!

  3. Now I know how you have over 10,000 hits! LOL It is me coming here everyday looking for an update!! LOL

  4. Oh, ot looks fabulous - I love all matchy stuff (and I really do love your groovy necklace)


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