My work location has recently changed. We upgraded to a huge, fancy new compound. Yes, compound. I chose that word on purpose. I mean, they don't make us drink Kool Aid or anything but it is heavily gated/guarded/watched 24/7/365.
One of the great things about our new digs is the fancy new control room where I work. It's very shiny and new and clean and wonderful. There are lots of buttons to push and graphic displays to ogle over and big screens to view the 27 different windows of data we have to look at.
But there are some weird things about it. Design flaws if you will.
Like the recent episode that took place when a light bulb needed to be changed.
Seriously, people. No INDOOR light bulb should EVER require a hydraulic hoist in order to be changed. If they would have just asked a woman for an opinion on the size/scale/design of this room she would have immediately asked the question, "It's nice and all, but who is going to change those light bulbs?"
We don't even do light bulbs that require a chair so I'm pretty sure this little detail would NOT have gone unnoticed during the design phase.